Contacts & Buddies
Patrick 'AngelusII' Jagusch  id: 1114761
Name Patrick Jagusch
Nick AngelusII
Member since 07/02/05
Age / Gender 37 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Bachelor of Engineering
Employer / University / School FH Dortmund
Main team DRUCKWELLE eSports MAIN
Homepage --
Event: Summit #X Platz: 9 (Druckwelle)
GSH #24 Platz 5/6 (nineshapes)
Überlebte Cheaterproteste: 1
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 HG Ladder
win hosH  +28 Wednesday, 24/04/13 17:24 1
  Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
win shixo  +27 Saturday, 05/05/12 10:24 3
loss 2796849  -22 Thursday, 26/04/12 13:57 3
loss 5694698  -19 Wednesday, 15/06/11 07:36 3
win Aviloxs  +23 Friday, 10/06/11 04:19 3
draw 3124905  -11 Friday, 10/06/11 03:43 6
loss (bye)  Thursday, 09/06/11 14:43 3
loss (bye)  Thursday, 09/06/11 14:28 3
loss KoKa  -23 Thursday, 09/06/11 14:13 3
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