Contacts & Buddies
Mert 'I_BLacKxEaGLe_I' Kinali  id: 11609407
Name Mert Kinali
Nick I_BLacKxEaGLe_I
Member since 07/08/17
Age / Gender 22 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
Competetive FIFA Player • Twitter: @I_BLacKxEaGLe_I
Level & Awards
FIFA 18 (PS4)
FIFA 21 (PS4)
FIFA 19 (PS4)
FIFA 17 (PS4)
FIFA 20 (PS4)
Recent matches
  FIFA 21 (PS4) PlayStation Plus Week to Compete #20 Europe
win julesszym1  0 Monday, 23/08/21 13:35
loss paris-fg  0 Monday, 23/08/21 12:50
win DreanTax200866  0 Monday, 23/08/21 12:00
  FIFA 21 (PS4) FUT New Year Kick Off 2020 #7 Europe
loss IkerMonti10  0 Friday, 01/01/21 18:15
win redolent-clock  0 Friday, 01/01/21 17:26
win 16463038  0 Friday, 01/01/21 16:45
win Mojo2Splashy  0 Friday, 01/01/21 16:00
loss miguelrull  0 Friday, 01/01/21 15:15
win CRiquelme15_  0 Friday, 01/01/21 14:30
win smestanza2008  0 Friday, 01/01/21 13:45
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