Contacts & Buddies
Mateusz 'SoNy' Jaglarz  id: 12871527
Name Mateusz Jaglarz
Nick SoNy
Member since 04/10/18
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Main team Just2Play
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Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss merty  -15 Friday, 03/04/20 15:47
win 9607709  +26 Friday, 03/04/20 15:22
loss cob  -2 Friday, 03/04/20 15:11
win 1229964  +28 Tuesday, 03/03/20 16:23
loss ShAcOuz  -4 Monday, 02/03/20 18:44
loss poxi  -13 Monday, 18/03/19 10:38
win 11328208  +27 Monday, 18/03/19 10:16
loss 2440152  -5 Sunday, 03/02/19 17:18
loss DAHEROES  -19 Sunday, 03/02/19 17:02
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
loss ShAcOuz  -7 Monday, 02/03/20 19:00
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