Contacts & Buddies
Lukas 'SkyFall' Frank  id: 1351343
Name Lukas Frank
Nick SkyFall
Member since 25/07/05
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team JumpScare Esports
Last Events ESL inaktiv!
-> CXT 15 - Arena
-> LANrena - The 4 Elements
-> Stauferland-Lan 7
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Level & Awards
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #228 (14.12)
loss MML  0 Wednesday, 14/12/11 13:30 1
win 5996571  +2 Wednesday, 14/12/11 13:00 0
  Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
win 5506917  +25 Sunday, 25/09/11 13:37 3
loss 4439765  -29 Sunday, 25/09/11 12:26 4
win 4861581  +20 Friday, 09/09/11 13:15 9
loss t0mz  -23 Friday, 09/09/11 10:49 4
loss (bye)  Friday, 02/09/11 10:45 3
win 1314057  +31 Saturday, 09/07/11 09:26 4
win 5825375  +27 Tuesday, 05/07/11 13:32 6
win 4607614  +29 Friday, 01/07/11 12:34 3
Visited Events
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