Contacts & Buddies
TWOx  id: 1563429
Name Maik 
Nick TWOx
Member since 15/12/05
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Territory Germany
Main team lanstube
Homepage --
( when i get sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story! )

( Remember, when you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at it… they'll tell you. )  more...  
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Recent matches
  PokerTH 1on1 Easter Cup 2017
loss 1561161  0 Sunday, 16/04/17 14:50 2
win koB  +2 Sunday, 16/04/17 14:30 1
  PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss duKe  -11 Saturday, 15/04/17 13:30 2
loss SIMO_10  -5 Saturday, 15/04/17 07:25 2
win 8942083  +23 Saturday, 15/04/17 06:45 1
win 5327769  +24 Saturday, 15/04/17 06:05 2
loss MILO  -21 Friday, 14/04/17 15:15 2
win YaSs  +27 Friday, 14/04/17 14:00 1
win MC HAMMER  +43 Friday, 14/04/17 11:00 3
loss aGa  -30 Friday, 14/04/17 07:00 3
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