Contacts & Buddies
Κυριάκος 'BeHaCk3r' Καρράς  id: 1932944
Name Κυριάκος Καρράς
Nick BeHaCk3r
Member since 12/07/06
Age / Gender 34 Years / male
Nationality  Greece
Territory Greece
Main team --
◙╔► ●Do not spam my guestbook without reasson
◙╠► ●My Steam:ID 0:0:????????
◙╠► ●For everything contact me via @ GRnet /q BeH
◙╠► ●I am ESL Admin for the best possible
◙╠► ●[BeHaCk3r] To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.  more...  
Level & Awards
Blub Game
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
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Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss 9370550  -21 Friday, 11/09/15 03:21
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss 1858106  -4 Tuesday, 01/09/15 18:10
loss 7331082  -14 Saturday, 08/08/15 15:49
loss s0beCK  -22 Friday, 07/08/15 22:12 2
loss rqlph  -8 Friday, 07/08/15 21:43 2
loss Björn  -6 Friday, 07/08/15 21:25 3
loss Nevermind  -21 Friday, 07/08/15 18:36 1
loss 8173303  -19 Friday, 07/08/15 18:19 1
loss 9288386  -7 Friday, 07/08/15 18:01 1
loss 9277330  -26 Friday, 07/08/15 17:29 1
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