Contacts & Buddies
Wojciech 'xRASTAx87' Dwojak  id: 2109584
Name Wojciech Dwojak
Nick xRASTAx87
Member since 29/10/06
Age / Gender 38 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Germany
Occupation Gracz
Employer / University / School gram... i nie zamierzam przestać
Main team --
Level & Awards
CoD4 MW (PC)
Battlefield 4
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Recent matches
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
win 3019271  +24 Saturday, 22/06/13 03:30 4
win 5483410  +31 Friday, 14/06/13 20:30 3
loss 4476122  -17 Thursday, 13/06/13 09:30
loss 6022929  -7 Monday, 10/06/13 12:45 3
loss zensens  -3 Friday, 24/05/13 20:30 4
loss 5503497  -14 Wednesday, 24/04/13 12:00 4
  Call of Duty 4 1on1 MR8 Knifes Ladder
loss 6263815  -24 Wednesday, 14/03/12 12:00 3
loss 6563026  -33 Sunday, 11/03/12 21:35 0
win 6569436  +24 Thursday, 08/03/12 16:10 8
win 6384480  +23 Wednesday, 07/03/12 17:00 5
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