Contacts & Buddies
kinetic  id: 2226413
Name --
Nick kinetic
Member since 04/01/07
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  France
Territory Germany
Main team Vintage JKA
Homepage --
I am the hammer; I am the sword in his hand.
I am the point of his spear; I am the gauntlet about his fist.
I am the bane of his foes and the woes of the treacherous.

I am the end.
Level & Awards
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Recent matches
  JK:JA Open Ladder 1on1 Saber Europe Old
loss Nighty-Nine  -4 Sunday, 14/02/16 08:00 2
loss 4769163  -21 Tuesday, 09/02/16 17:00 2
win s 1 n e e h  +40 Tuesday, 09/02/16 12:00
win 9547058  +18 Sunday, 07/02/16 15:00 3
loss The Great Swede  -23 Tuesday, 02/02/16 16:00 2
win Yberion  +35 Friday, 21/08/15 14:00 1
loss Nighty-Nine  -11 Tuesday, 11/08/15 12:00 3
loss Nighty-Nine  -24 Thursday, 06/08/15 16:00 2
win nbdy  +28 Tuesday, 28/07/15 18:00 2
  Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Singleonly Ladder
win danhk  +17 Saturday, 30/11/13 08:00 1
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