Contacts & Buddies
xaN  id: 2300458
Name Kevin 
Nick xaN
Member since 11/02/07
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Student
Employer / University / School Universität
Main team KAZALLA
Homepage --
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
win blitzeN  +25 Saturday, 23/01/16 12:37
loss cob  -8 Saturday, 23/01/16 12:23 1
win 5209463  +22 Saturday, 23/01/16 12:09 1
win real1  +26 Saturday, 23/01/16 11:57
win 9780816  +21 Saturday, 23/01/16 11:41
loss 8713649  -12 Saturday, 23/01/16 11:31 1
win 7337407  +16 Wednesday, 13/01/16 13:16
win 9753147  +22 Wednesday, 13/01/16 12:52
win 4386468  +37 Wednesday, 13/01/16 12:33 1
win 9000710  +25 Wednesday, 13/01/16 12:08
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