Contacts & Buddies
Kamil 'Skythez' Paśko  id: 2592029
Name Kamil Paśko
Nick Skythez
Member since 08/07/07
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Employer / University / School [ ] / [ ] / [X]
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Level & Awards
League of Legends
Battlefield 2
Recent matches
  League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
loss 6138208  -23 Sunday, 09/10/11 14:00 0
win Unkaputtbarer  +27 Monday, 19/09/11 16:58 2
win Berethor  +22 Monday, 19/09/11 16:58 2
win 3797692  +22 Sunday, 18/09/11 14:00 2
win 6201364  +22 Monday, 12/09/11 16:36 2
win 2264755  +23 Sunday, 11/09/11 14:00 2
win derbe  +24 Sunday, 11/09/11 12:07 2
loss 6200883  -23 Sunday, 11/09/11 11:26 1
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