Contacts & Buddies
xaracc  id: 263395
Name Sascha 
Nick xaracc
Member since 10/04/02
Age / Gender 38 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Employer / University / School [x] / [ ] / [ ]
Main team --
searching for a good League of Legends Team  more...  
Level & Awards
StarCraft II
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft 3: The frozen Throne
Recent matches
  StarCraft II 1on1 Amateur Series - Winter 2011
loss 544712  -20 Sunday, 16/01/11 13:00 0
loss 1338970  -25 Sunday, 09/01/11 13:00 2
loss 1009149  -25 Thursday, 25/11/10 13:00 2
win dyNa  +21 Sunday, 21/11/10 13:00 2
win 2961190  +23 Thursday, 18/11/10 13:30 4
win Reaper  +27 Sunday, 14/11/10 13:00 4
loss 1505288  -25 Sunday, 14/11/10 13:00 2
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