Contacts & Buddies
hq.  id: 2640287
Name Matthias 
Nick hq.
Member since 02/08/07
Age / Gender 34 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Maurer
Main team FC Lattenschuss
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Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
FIFA 15 (PS4)
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PS4)
ICQ Games
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  FIFA 15 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Germany
loss hENRik  -13 Friday, 04/09/15 11:15
draw 9114162  -1 Sunday, 30/08/15 11:00
  Germany FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 4 Sterne Ladder
loss R3l4X0  -23 Friday, 28/09/12 10:00
loss gubarus  -23 Thursday, 27/09/12 10:00
loss 2090733  -25 Thursday, 27/09/12 09:10
  Europe FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 A-Series
loss owner  -25 Thursday, 27/09/12 12:00
  Europe FIFA 12 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
loss 2251620  -29 Tuesday, 25/09/12 09:15
loss 6932025  -28 Tuesday, 25/09/12 09:00
loss owner  -27 Tuesday, 25/09/12 06:00
  Germany FIFA 12 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
loss owner  -22 Tuesday, 25/09/12 06:15
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