Contacts & Buddies
Smitty  id: 2732213
Name Nikolai 
Nick Smitty
Member since 23/09/07
Age / Gender 32 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Chemielaborant
Employer / University / School Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Main team Glücksgefühle SmiXdM
Homepage http://nothing
Hoffe auf das Beste, aber sei auf das Schlechteste vorbereitet.
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Blub Game
Curve Fever
League of Legends
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss 680251  -19 Wednesday, 14/05/14 14:11 2
loss khh  -7 Wednesday, 14/05/14 13:44 3
loss 8330931  -15 Monday, 12/05/14 06:26 3
draw 5785456  +1 Sunday, 11/05/14 12:10 2
loss 3266899  -7 Saturday, 10/05/14 13:42 1
win Aboooo  +25 Friday, 09/05/14 16:10 2
  Blub Game Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
loss 5670971  -20 Sunday, 10/06/12 16:05 2
win M4cKoPL  +20 Saturday, 09/06/12 12:00 1
loss 5148869  -3 Friday, 08/06/12 11:05 1
  Curve Fever 1on1 Powerups Ladder
loss Staylox  -26 Saturday, 09/06/12 09:05 1
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