Contacts & Buddies
Alexandre 'PyRo' HAUTION  id: 2956564
Name Alexandre HAUTION
Nick PyRo
Member since 07/01/08
Age / Gender 35 Years / male
Nationality  France
Territory France
Occupation Sapeurs Pompiers
Employer / University / School IUT Valenciennes
Main team LanEx
Président of Lan Expérience
# Association loi 1901 : LanEx
BuyKeyEUROFF'7 Communication
Europe ServeurAskew Gaming  more...  
Level & Awards
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
win MaraVilla  +26 Monday, 06/02/12 20:20 1
loss Fifou007  -19 Monday, 06/02/12 20:00 2
win (bye)  Friday, 03/02/12 00:00 2
loss Phenom  -24 Friday, 14/10/11 08:10 2
win 5979019  +19 Wednesday, 05/10/11 09:37 1
win 3847284  +26 Sunday, 02/10/11 08:12 2
loss 3617259  -29 Wednesday, 21/09/11 07:05 1
loss 5516344  -29 Wednesday, 21/09/11 05:47 2
  Counter-Strike: Source GoFr4CSS v62 1on1 HGAIM
loss 5258970  0 Tuesday, 20/09/11 17:20 8
loss 4518072  0 Tuesday, 20/09/11 16:45 10
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