Contacts & Buddies
Tooobie  id: 3433862
Name Tobias 
Nick Tooobie
Member since 13/08/08
Age / Gender 32 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team oWnD funteam
Homepage --
╔══► Nick - Tooobi'#<3
╠════► Skill - low[ ] mid [√] high [ ]
╠══════► Game - CS:S
╚════════► Aktivität - Aktiv [√] Inaktiv [ ]
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
MSN Games
League of Legends
Recent matches
  League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #11
loss 7771254  0 Monday, 28/10/13 13:45 0
win (bye)  Monday, 28/10/13 13:00 0
  HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
loss 4294653  -25 Wednesday, 02/03/11 11:59 7
loss 5245677  -29 Wednesday, 02/03/11 11:34 2
loss 516360  -27 Tuesday, 01/03/11 10:45 9
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