Contacts & Buddies
cY  id: 371674
Name --
Nick cY
Member since 02/11/02
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
#CS GO Current Rank: Global Elite
Twitch ACC
Its a Trap!

CS 1.6 ; CS GO "alte Schule" KIDS
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss Freeze  -4 Wednesday, 06/04/16 04:37
loss 7581987  -23 Friday, 04/09/15 07:15
loss 9331017  -22 Friday, 04/09/15 07:05
loss 4568250  -12 Thursday, 03/09/15 09:51
win 9370550  +24 Thursday, 03/09/15 09:36 1
win cal1mero  +23 Thursday, 03/09/15 08:02
loss chaxioR  -33 Tuesday, 01/09/15 08:33
win 2244171  +23 Tuesday, 01/09/15 08:22
loss kADZIU  -15 Tuesday, 01/09/15 08:12
win kADZIU  +40 Monday, 31/08/15 10:41
Visited Events
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