Contacts & Buddies
Fabiano 'GoDyYE' Colucci  id: 3725236
Name Fabiano Colucci
Nick GoDyYE
Member since 22/12/08
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Occupation Developer
Employer / University / School I.T.I.S Giorgi
Main team flow
Level & Awards
CoD4 MW (PC)
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
loss HellraiZer  +9 Sunday, 02/09/12 12:25 7
win 5652996  +5 Thursday, 30/08/12 13:15 6
loss 6197652  0 Tuesday, 28/08/12 12:35 5
win 4201952  +5 Monday, 27/08/12 18:00 7
win 4873845  +3 Monday, 27/08/12 14:45 6
win (bye)  Sunday, 26/08/12 08:45 6
loss 5982981  -4 Thursday, 23/08/12 17:00 7
win 3658549  +1 Sunday, 01/07/12 12:30 5
win 4300783  +2 Sunday, 01/07/12 10:00 6
  Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
win 5918632  +23 Tuesday, 08/11/11 15:00 4
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