Contacts & Buddies
sHiVaRiNa  id: 4346012
Name Marina 
Nick sHiVaRiNa
Member since 11/08/09
Age / Gender 36 Years / female
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Lagermitarbeiterin
Employer / University / School Ikea
Main team --
Not for the Money, not for the Fame, but for the Love of this Game !

The cheeky in my Eyes, the Devil in my Blood and the Angel in my Heart  more...  
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
loss 7022779  -28 Monday, 17/06/13 10:20 2
win 3345392  +13 Tuesday, 11/06/13 06:25 6
win x_X  +35 Thursday, 30/05/13 09:30 4
  OMGPOP 1on1 ESL Series
loss 5767988  -25 Saturday, 01/06/13 12:30
loss DJKnuffel  -25 Friday, 31/05/13 14:30 1
loss 5767988  -25 Friday, 31/05/13 12:30
loss MILO  -25 Thursday, 30/05/13 14:30
loss MILO  -25 Thursday, 30/05/13 13:30 1
win 6848914  +26 Monday, 27/05/13 15:30
loss 3887790  -20 Monday, 27/05/13 12:30 6
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