Contacts & Buddies
Adrian 'angel' S.  id: 4377740
Name Adrian S.
Nick angel
Member since 24/08/09
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Main team --
Homepage --
Mess with the best, die like the rest.  more...  
Level & Awards
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
League of Legends
Recent matches
  JK:JA Open Ladder 1on1 Saber Europe Old
loss 6149828  -31 Monday, 05/09/16 16:00 3
loss 10369761  -16 Saturday, 03/09/16 15:00 4
loss 10369761  -22 Friday, 02/09/16 14:00 2
loss Spiritz  -24 Wednesday, 31/08/16 19:00 1
win s 1 n e e h  +18 Friday, 26/08/16 11:00
win 9169684  +2 Friday, 26/08/16 08:00
win Bones  +11 Friday, 26/08/16 08:00
win 10369761  +25 Thursday, 25/08/16 19:00 1
win 10322067  +5 Wednesday, 24/08/16 08:00
win 10323137  +27 Tuesday, 23/08/16 18:20
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