Contacts & Buddies
Vesa 'vesku' Körmöläinen  id: 4400249
Name Vesa Körmöläinen
Nick vesku
Member since 03/09/09
Age / Gender 28 Years / male
Nationality  Finland
Territory Finland
Main team Unison
Homepage --
Never look at your history, either it was bad or good, your goal is always the future.
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Source
CoD4 MW (PC)
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Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss 8211099  -25 Thursday, 26/01/17 08:41 1
win 10873997  +18 Monday, 23/01/17 11:36
win TEEK  +14 Monday, 23/01/17 11:24
win TEEK  +21 Monday, 23/01/17 10:26
win 10375804  +14 Monday, 23/01/17 10:13
win 10873997  +26 Monday, 23/01/17 09:54
loss marci0  -2 Monday, 23/01/17 09:40
loss xs  -10 Sunday, 22/01/17 17:16
win 7841788  +33 Sunday, 22/01/17 16:57
loss 3198780  -18 Saturday, 02/02/13 06:02 3
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