Contacts & Buddies
Ivan 'eilur' Ivas  id: 4471995
Name Ivan Ivas
Nick eilur
Member since 05/10/09
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Croatia
Territory Ireland
Main team --
Homepage --
also known as: phob/rzn/nsnia
Level & Awards
CoD4 MW (PC)
Recent matches
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
draw 6471570  +3 Friday, 21/09/12 13:50 4
loss 4087513  -8 Tuesday, 18/09/12 04:25 5
win 7163990  +26 Monday, 17/09/12 10:20 5
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
loss Yammi  -8 Monday, 17/09/12 05:45 6
loss HEIZ  +1 Sunday, 16/09/12 14:00 1
loss 3666456  -3 Sunday, 16/09/12 12:15 6
loss JustChillOut  -2 Tuesday, 10/01/12 08:00 2
loss 4091277  +1 Tuesday, 19/07/11 12:25 3
win Bennyahje  +7 Tuesday, 29/03/11 13:30 3
loss Nes  -2 Friday, 25/03/11 14:25 4
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