Contacts & Buddies
Hoffmeister  id: 4836370
Name Jan 
Nick Hoffmeister
Member since 13/02/10
Age / Gender 27 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
Level & Awards
World of Tanks
Recent matches
  WoT Open 1on1 Fun Ladder Europe
loss 6244195  -37 Sunday, 03/01/16 11:15 2
loss 8884096  -30 Saturday, 05/12/15 05:00 2
win 9033793  +22 Friday, 04/12/15 11:00 2
loss SAR_LUK  -23 Friday, 04/12/15 10:30
win 8359106  +12 Sunday, 29/11/15 12:30 2
loss SAR_LUK  -29 Sunday, 29/11/15 12:00 1
  ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ WoT 1on1 Cup #1 Germany
win 647358  +2 Wednesday, 23/12/15 14:00
loss 7301477  0 Tuesday, 22/12/15 14:45 6
win Kooksi123  +2 Tuesday, 22/12/15 14:00
win (bye)  Tuesday, 15/12/15 14:10
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