Contacts & Buddies
Mazzo  id: 4980400
Name Marcel 
Nick Mazzo
Member since 02/04/10
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation IT-Administrator
Employer / University / School [X] [O] [O]
Main team Senseless
Homepage --
Clanhistory: GAINTEX, Volume 7, causeWecan, Stofftiere-Online, Vination, WAZEO Lions, Stofftiere-Online
Level & Awards
CoD4 MW (PC)
League of Legends
Trackmania 2: Canyon
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Germany
loss 6522539  -22 Friday, 25/05/12 19:30 2
loss 1631527  -15 Monday, 07/05/12 17:00 2
loss aqua_di_miro  -26 Wednesday, 02/05/12 14:45 2
loss 5909124  -29 Friday, 27/04/12 07:00 2
loss 5758343  -29 Monday, 23/04/12 16:35 2
win RoCk_Ya  +18 Sunday, 22/04/12 16:30 1
loss 4899746  -21 Sunday, 22/04/12 16:05 2
win 5909124  +21 Friday, 20/04/12 09:00 3
win MasterSmurf  +21 Friday, 20/04/12 08:00 2
win High5  +22 Saturday, 14/04/12 15:20 1
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