Contacts & Buddies
Kewin 'Larsson' O'Connel  id: 5021158
Name Kewin O'Connel
Nick Larsson
Member since 20/04/10
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  France
Territory France
Main team --
[31.05.16 /23.08.16] Goldrush Diggers
[23.09.16 /07.01.17] PuLse Gaming
Level & Awards
League of Legends
Trackmania 2: Canyon
ShootMania Storm
TrackMania 2: Valley
Show all game levels
 TM2 1on1 Winter League 2012 : 0 Minor, 1 Major
17.01.12 1Major Penalty Did not show up ( Match )
Recent matches
  TM2 Canyon 1on1 Easter Cup 2015
loss 4744627  0 Monday, 06/04/15 14:50
win 5778905  +2 Monday, 06/04/15 14:40
loss Skuggaco  0 Monday, 06/04/15 14:30
win 6959833  +2 Monday, 06/04/15 14:10
win 8485897  +2 Monday, 06/04/15 14:00
  TrackMania 2: Valley 1on1 Opening cup
loss 3843519  0 Friday, 12/07/13 17:00
loss 5796083  0 Friday, 12/07/13 16:30
win Marius 89  +2 Friday, 12/07/13 15:30 1
win Ascared  +2 Friday, 12/07/13 14:30
win 7091007  +2 Friday, 12/07/13 13:30
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