Contacts & Buddies
Mike 'slayer' Mann  id: 6451087
Name Mike Mann
Nick slayer
Member since 17/12/11
Age / Gender 27 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Employer / University / School Student
Main team SPONTAN
Homepage --
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
  ESL DACH League Spieler für Team   Rheinland-Pfalz .CS:GO
Recent matches
  ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #9 Europe
loss 8276890  0 Saturday, 30/09/17 14:04
loss Johnny  0 Saturday, 30/09/17 14:03
win thtcw  +2 Saturday, 30/09/17 14:01
win (bye)  Saturday, 30/09/17 14:00
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
win 11677433  +24 Saturday, 02/09/17 12:14
win NoLiFe  +20 Friday, 24/03/17 18:30
  ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #16 Germany
loss b0ga  0 Tuesday, 14/03/17 15:03
win 11020789  +2 Tuesday, 14/03/17 15:02
loss BaTmaN  0 Tuesday, 14/03/17 15:01
win w4ke  +2 Tuesday, 14/03/17 15:00
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