Contacts & Buddies
Alex 'JustSkillx3' Wiederkehr  id: 7214068
Name Alex Wiederkehr
Nick JustSkillx3
Member since 06/10/12
Age / Gender 30 Years / male
Nationality  Russia
Territory Germany
Main team afterlife
Homepage --
Feel free to add me.
Level & Awards
League of Legends
Rocket League
Recent matches
  LoL Open Ladder 1on1 EU West
win RedLight  +22 Monday, 05/06/17 12:00
loss 8286162  -23 Monday, 05/06/17 11:00
win 11362015  +26 Monday, 05/06/17 10:30
win RedLight  +27 Monday, 05/06/17 08:45
loss 9768429  -11 Thursday, 27/10/16 12:45 2
loss 9702190  -10 Monday, 18/01/16 12:30
loss p4ddy  -24 Wednesday, 23/12/15 09:30
loss 9190496  -27 Wednesday, 23/12/15 09:00
  Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
win 8462550  +21 Thursday, 10/12/15 17:00 1
  ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ LoL 1on1 Dez Cup Serie Germany
loss Stuti  0 Wednesday, 09/12/15 14:00
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