Contacts & Buddies
Kryštof 'Steewie_' Konůpek  id: 8486829
Name Kryštof Konůpek
Nick Steewie_
Member since 29/06/14
Age / Gender 25 Years / male
Nationality  Czechia
Territory Czechia
Main team Invactus.WGL
Homepage --
Did i ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?
- Vaas Montenegro
Level & Awards
World of Tanks
Recent matches
  WoT 1on1 Heavy Cup #38 CZSK
loss 8991956  0 Friday, 24/07/15 12:10
  WoT 1on1 Heavy Cup #29 CZSK
loss 8455667  Friday, 20/03/15 14:00
win 8644130  +2 Friday, 20/03/15 13:30 3
win (bye)  Friday, 20/03/15 13:00
  WoT 1on1 Heavy Cup #27 CZSK
loss 8503084  0 Friday, 20/02/15 13:30 2
win 6507614  +2 Friday, 20/02/15 12:55 7
win 7616282  +2 Friday, 20/02/15 12:10 2
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