Contacts & Buddies
Adam 'Mefisto' Duma  id: 9016007
Name Adam Duma
Nick Mefisto
Member since 03/04/15
Age / Gender 23 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Main team CheetoBandito
Make a helm of awe in lead, press the lead sign between the eyebrows, and speak the formula:
Ægishjálm er ég ber milli brúna mér!
I bear the helm of awe
between my brows!
Thus a man could meet his enemies and be sure of victory.  more...  
Level & Awards
Rainbow Six: Siege
Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4)
Black Squad
Apex Legends
Recent matches
  SMITE 1on1 The Joust #9 - Poland
draw 8557935  0 Thursday, 02/07/15 14:15
loss BsideU  0 Thursday, 02/07/15 13:30
win 8489305  +2 Thursday, 02/07/15 12:45
win (bye)  Thursday, 02/07/15 12:00
  SMITE 1on1 The Joust #7 - Poland
loss 8595850  0 Thursday, 25/06/15 13:00
  SMITE 1on1 The Joust #3 - Poland
loss 3135643  0 Thursday, 11/06/15 13:30
win (bye)  Thursday, 11/06/15 13:00
  SMITE 1on1 The Joust #2 - Poland
loss 8676124  0 Saturday, 06/06/15 12:30
win 6092838  +2 Saturday, 06/06/15 12:00
  SMITE 1on1 The Joust #1 - Poland
loss 7299697  0 Thursday, 04/06/15 13:30
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