Contacts & Buddies
Alessandro 'Johnny' Pivato  id: 9421054
Name Alessandro Pivato
Nick Johnny
Member since 17/09/15
Age / Gender 25 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Main team --
Homepage --
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Pokémon Unite
League of Legends
Recent matches
  League of Legends
loss 9630365  Friday, 26/07/19 15:00 7
loss 9020805  Wednesday, 02/01/19 16:00 7
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
loss 8211099  -27 Wednesday, 19/07/17 09:05
loss 11090729  -26 Wednesday, 19/07/17 08:33
loss 7304524  -33 Wednesday, 19/07/17 08:10
win 5062264  +30 Wednesday, 19/07/17 06:35
loss poxi  -28 Wednesday, 19/07/17 06:03
win 8647679  +16 Wednesday, 19/07/17 05:47
win 8472887  +22 Tuesday, 18/07/17 18:34
loss yiRz  -6 Tuesday, 18/07/17 18:23
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