Contacts & Buddies
János 'jevity' Baján  id: 9440458
Name János Baján
Nick jevity
Member since 22/09/15
Age / Gender 25 Years / male
Nationality  Hungary
Territory Hungary
Occupation Web Developer
Main team A Legenda
Homepage --
I'm a regular guy with a competitive mindset. I want to be the best at everything i play. I hope that one day i'll be good enough to play for an official E-Sport team.
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Rocket League
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
win 10081317  +25 Friday, 02/09/16 10:41
  Hearthstone The Grand Tournament #9 Europe
loss 7574999  0 Tuesday, 29/09/15 15:30
win (bye)  Tuesday, 29/09/15 14:45
  Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
win 9453735  +22 Monday, 28/09/15 12:55
win DerXello  +23 Saturday, 26/09/15 14:11
win 3216042  +20 Friday, 25/09/15 13:13
win 9433055  +28 Friday, 25/09/15 12:39
loss 9433055  -25 Thursday, 24/09/15 13:00
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
loss chaxioR  -13 Thursday, 24/09/15 10:07 3
loss (bye)  Thursday, 24/09/15 09:58
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