Contacts & Buddies
Aaron 'AmongStar' Perez  id: 9613673
Name Aaron Perez
Nick AmongStar
Member since 03/12/15
Age / Gender 27 Years / male
Nationality  United States
Territory United States
Main team --
Homepage --
Hello, I'm interested in competitive gaming as a hobby and nothing more that the moment. My interests pertain to Rocket League as I play avidly as well as competitively while still for fun. If you have any other questions questions concerning me, please feel free to contact me through message or on steam at mperez448.
Level & Awards
Rocket League
Recent matches
  Rocket League Open Ladder 1on1 North America
win 9740533  +35 Wednesday, 04/05/16 00:30
win 9607669  +27 Friday, 04/12/15 21:00
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