Contacts & Buddies
Adrien 'Kiba1K' Zürcher  id: 9761009
Name Adrien Zürcher
Nick Kiba1K
Member since 16/01/16
Age / Gender 25 Years / male
Nationality  Switzerland
Territory Switzerland
Employer / University / School ✖ / ✖ / ✖
Main team Lausanne eSport
Twitter | Instagram | Twitch | Youtube

Competitive Player & Streamer - Former OW Player (SwitzerlandOWWC'18)

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Level & Awards
S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2
Line of Sight
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Apex Legends
Recent matches
  Line of Sight Open Ladder 1on1 Global
win MRatchetM  +14 Monday, 27/02/17 11:30 2
win VIRUS  +15 Friday, 24/02/17 17:00 2
win 10612737  +15 Friday, 24/02/17 14:55 2
win 10972726  +17 Friday, 24/02/17 09:25 2
win 9900454  +14 Thursday, 23/02/17 12:30 3
win Heewqy  +20 Thursday, 23/02/17 11:15 2
win (bye)  Thursday, 23/02/17 09:00 2
win 10942655  +18 Thursday, 23/02/17 07:15 2
win 10857421  +23 Saturday, 11/02/17 15:15 2
win VIRUS  +25 Saturday, 28/01/17 12:30 2
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