Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (43) Replay Archive (0) Awards (7) Contacts & Buddies (13) Rating Gameaccounts History Gary 'quikzzz' Lux id: 1095096 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 13 of 13 | next page j1m3e Team: BLACK LABEL friend Mr.Frex Team: rY.eSports friend sChruppi Andre Gatniejewski, 37 Years Team: Germany friend nite Team: Ninjas with Bananas friend get Sebastian Team: Ninjas with Bananas friend sasuke Thomas, 36 Years Team: DEFENSE CONTROL friend twooh Team: it's luck friend Synthrey Jeffrey Bormann, 35 Years Team: BelgianRockets friend Bl4diii , 33 Years Team: team eyeshow friend revoKe Team: Q-hype friend STNZA Christian, 38 Years friend dnL Team: Concept Digital Damage.CoD friend sMITty Team: Sprudel friend previous page | Show 1- 13 of 13 | next page