Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (36) Replay Archive (0) Awards (7) Contacts & Buddies (12) Rating Gameaccounts History chr1s. id: 1625063 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 12 of 12 | next page Petsch Patrick Knoll, 31 Years friend H O L Z B O I Team: WHOAMI friend SVENSON' Tim Johnen, 34 Years friend kemo , 32 Years Team: BESTER MAN friend Rationer Nino Medrow Team: 5on5 Ladder v.2 friend tim0thy Timo Team: 12.12.12 friend LADY Team: Frankfurt am Main taken Team: HOT LIKE WE :D friend LIZARD Team: in memory of 24 7 days RBN- Team: DIELEGOPOLIZISTEN friend blizzardnn Peter Stanislaus, 35 Years friend cam-2oo3 Martin, 35 Years Team: Erfurter TouristenTeam friend previous page | Show 1- 12 of 12 | next page