Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (7) Contacts & Buddies (14) Rating Gameaccounts History jL. id: 1826294 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 14 of 14 | next page k1nG. David, 35 Years Team: aqua culinaris friend D1cKmaNN Toni, 38 Years Team: tHe AdMiNs_v2 friend NeOneC Pascal Team: IN MEMORY OF NOOB WOLFE Strumpfh0s3 Team: Vinnie und Harpi friend STADDECXYOURMASTER , 35 Years Team: LEVEL UP friend schranzor Georg, 35 Years Team: Mr. Oneshot u. Mr. Instand friend KeRn Team: KOnFuS.Tourette friend VinViesel Team: G3NAS1UM v.1 friend SoleVita Jochen Röhrs, 36 Years Team: Das is mir so Lachs ey friend bok choi Team: 14.12.06 friend DieHappy Frank, 37 Years Team: Aargau friend Schnuffeltuch Team: Hessen raven , 33 Years Team: extremst unterfordert friend Schwarzes Kobold , 34 Years Team: In Memory of Mentors EPS friend previous page | Show 1- 14 of 14 | next page