Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (14) Replay Archive (0) Awards (9) Contacts & Buddies (12) Rating Gameaccounts History jan 'bax' desebrock id: 2348837 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 12 of 12 | next page Mitch Michél, 37 Years Team: friend aint no punchline Michael, 38 Years Team: Counterstrikeflavour friend jik Team: elite-eSports friend Dentist Lukas Heemann, 37 Years Team: roYality eSports - CLOSED friend spx Thomas friend FluBBe Konrad, 35 Years friend venGalisch , 41 Years Team: anDy's...feel the difference friend kIRBY ._. Team: swisswave friend kmR , 33 Years Team: Spielerbank Koblenz friend LADY Team: Frankfurt am Main trololo Team: G4th3rh0lics scarabeo , 35 Years friend previous page | Show 1- 12 of 12 | next page