Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Contacts & Buddies (32) Rating Gameaccounts History nohope92 id: 2449625 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 25 of 32 | next page WolfskinLux Nuno, 46 Years friend tapi friend LifrAwH Bruno Pinto, 42 Years Team: PLAYHARD eSports Organization friend criswaw , 29 Years friend made0n Pedro B., 29 Years friend skill Sven Team: 1337 Community friend Lanterne Verte Team: K- Othic eSport . Wr friend Bofi11 Team: Addicted to kill friend Kayhatsu K G., 30 Years Team: Noke Ricky Riccardo, 30 Years TassadaR Hotea Alexandru, 36 Years Hansa Lars, 54 Years Team: CodeV3. friend rage Adrian, 31 Years Team: Team Blacktown friend W4rn Roberto, 38 Years Team: nB Team Ultra Santaure Damien, 36 Years Team: SBSL.BF2 friend rodriquesz Fabio Team: Dutch Elite datBikeR Daniel, 32 Years Team: Turtle Entertainment Poland friend InfaKobe , 32 Years Team: The Dark Syndicate Thascrim Rick Tania, 32 Years Team: Always online, challenge friend Starrplaya Marco Mulder, 32 Years Team: Female Body Inspectors Mr.Shelby Team: Bunch of Gamers friend NINJAWHAT Pedro Ramos, 32 Years Zippi Dennis, 33 Years Team: Bomber friend Ypkx , 33 Years Team: Murder I Wrote CrazyLaw Team: K-Othic eSport BF3 friend previous page | Show 1- 25 of 32 | next page