Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (5) Contacts & Buddies (16) Rating Gameaccounts History leNso id: 257364 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 16 of 16 | next page manjaRo Team: HS BAE friend barNey Stefan, 42 Years Team: Verbund deutscher Kellerkinder friend capone , 38 Years Team: k-town 2on2 friend pchblack Benjamin Team: resCue CS:GO friend nicer , 37 Years Team: HLN friend BusteD Team: justparty_2 friend Kaiii Kai Schäfer, 36 Years Team: Brandenburg friend Frettchen Valentin Weber, 42 Years Team: SFTO eSports friend seaN friend sCuT- Christoph Team: XVIII friend hansklock Mikel, 42 Years friend Chuu friend sNd Team: Hiermit fing alles an friend BigBennoo Benedikt Schatto, 41 Years Team: n!faculty eSport Club friend katmanDo Lars Team: natural-Rocaz friend LIZARD Team: in memory of 24 7 days friend previous page | Show 1- 16 of 16 | next page