Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (41) Replay Archive (0) Awards (13) Contacts & Buddies (15) Rating Gameaccounts History Marc 'KobRa' Campuzano id: 2879384 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 15 of 15 | next page KDV AraS Arkadiusz Ryszkowski, 32 Years Team: Poland .PES friend Superdinho Luis Cintas Sola, 38 Years friend lynx Alejandro Puche, 33 Years friend Kenny Philipp Lohse, 36 Years Team: Invicto Team Pes10 friend MaRliTo Pedro martinez lopez Team: Zebinix friend Isra_21 Israel Martinez Corona friend indiE Rafael Rodriguez Reñon, 42 Years Team: all-Control.Cod4 friend Toxico Raul friend s3ctor7 Francis Herrera, 36 Years Team: Spain friend BaT Alberto friend victr Victor Team: VIOLETZ .es friend tRRini Alberto Royo Velasco, 34 Years Team: Is this Fortnite? friend Fara0n , 38 Years Team: ClanFBI e-Sport friend keMem Team: FreeStyle.CSGO friend Ivan Valera , 34 Years friend previous page | Show 1- 15 of 15 | next page