Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (17) Replay Archive (0) Awards (24) Contacts & Buddies (18) Rating Gameaccounts History Diogo 'ZiiiiNG' Oliveira id: 4382840 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 18 of 18 | next page realLarreN Team: Germany friend chepZ Bruno, 30 Years Team: STM friend m1LKo Milko, 37 Years friend criswaw , 29 Years friend STriNcKs friend Qu4r3sM4 , 35 Years Team: Amici e-Sports W friend h y p e R R Marco, 30 Years Team: EAZYWIN friend rMc , 29 Years Team: GoldenFive friend Helium Erman Kulaglic Team: Unban Helium friend kensen friend IzacK Ezequiel Silva, 31 Years Team: Fr4gTEK eSPORTS friend Lollipops Hugo, 35 Years friend ERMAC Tomek Kapituła, 28 Years Team: NETopery friend Sophiiia Ana Sofia Sousa, 33 Years friend Virus Fábio Santos, 33 Years Team: EXSAD Gold Times friend AllianZ Team: MostTalentedPlayers friend J03TA , 39 Years Team: In Memory of FEAR Combat friend WEKZyAyA Fábio Soares, 32 Years friend previous page | Show 1- 18 of 18 | next page