Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (12) Replay Archive (0) Awards (8) Contacts & Buddies (17) Rating Gameaccounts History Canavar id: 494211 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 17 of 17 | next page tariq Team: 16-0-5 causeWEcan EAS friend RoHb Robin, 32 Years Team: AimTrain friend tOfu Erik Engel, 28 Years friend Reptile Hans-Dieter Schubert, 38 Years Team: Black Turtle Gaming friend pReGo , 39 Years Team: BLIND SIDE ONE friend diezeeL Mete Kara, 38 Years Team: Veritas et Aequitas friend ps1ch0 , 32 Years Team: Derpland friend syrex , 34 Years Team: in memory friend wasc0 ._. , 37 Years Team: Asen friend nexX Pascal, 35 Years Team: NEXX friend SoulS friend n i g h t , 33 Years Team: KellerKinder friend Endplatzer Mathias Michalczak, 38 Years friend colo Paul, 36 Years Team: 5on5 friend billabonG Matthias, 39 Years Team: 4 Stars friend bi0s friend H E A D S T Y L E Team: legends never die! previous page | Show 1- 17 of 17 | next page