Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (13) Replay Archive (0) Awards (11) Contacts & Buddies (20) Rating Gameaccounts History rittmeister id: 632980 All Contacts Show all contacts and buddies of this user sorted by date. previous page | Show 1- 20 of 20 | next page mat1 friend SigMa Pascal Dahinden, 38 Years Team: eSport Team friend NaLa Andrea Team: Swiss eXperience friend prefix Roger, 40 Years Team: team.source friend cookieieie Win-Gee Team: Endless Inspiration EAS friend bLuLaCH Patric, 37 Years friend red1337 , 37 Years friend b1ubb friend KrasserAli Team: Cuppenianer friend s-master Salim Müller, 39 Years Team: teh sovjets friend chaos Team: newbies friend valuetowN Team: BIGBANG SQUAD friend Fubar Sascha, 39 Years friend bani Team: WASHI 2oo7 friend beculino friend DonManetti Team: endless inspiration TiLL Johann Nguyen friend bLisseed Team: Kleinerwald friend headbanger , 41 Years friend grf1337 Team: teh sovjets friend previous page | Show 1- 20 of 20 | next page