Kurt 'mistrial' Sichtig  id: 1010329
[ Match Ratings ]
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Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.12.07 2731596 Super Fair geplayed Detail
21.12.07 DarKy nett nett Detail
Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.08.06 1415829 gg Detail
14.08.06 Zico Detail
Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.08.06 swgin Detail
09.08.06 1151071 gg, aber sehr defensiv als axis und als allies nur ppsh spray :x Detail
06.08.06 1880083 Detail
06.08.06 962685 Detail
05.08.06 969550 gg war funny Detail
05.08.06 488730 Detail