Tonda 'Toni' Bláha  id: 1131969
[ Match Ratings ]
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TrackMania Nations Forever Majstrovstvá Slovenska 2010
created from rating comment match
10.06.10 1871627 Detail
Trackmania Nations 1on1 Timeattack Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.05.07 2053526 Detail
06.05.07 spaghettilo Detail
14.03.07 1707296 yay toni ftw :D Detail
01.10.06 142076 Detail
20.09.06 1707296 very good racer, easy gaming :) Detail
04.09.06 142076 Detail
16.08.06 shiv Detail
02.08.06 maHagoni Detail
26.07.06 1794292 Detail
21.07.06 1392427 gg Detail
19.07.06 1252616 Detail
17.07.06 1770488 Detail
07.07.06 1360250 Detail
05.07.06 1695844 Detail
20.06.06 1872482 Detail
07.06.06 1644459 really skilled racer :) Detail
01.06.06 1707296 Detail
24.05.06 827379 Detail
17.05.06 1770488 STRONG!! Detail
10.05.06 1188690 Detail
02.05.06 1677766 Detail
26.04.06 Zafiro candidate for the first place Detail
26.04.06 1023617 Detail
Trackmania Nations 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
20.05.07 haroXX ++ very fair player ++ Detail
02.05.07 spaghettilo Detail
30.03.07 MARIN nice player :) Detail
25.03.07 1794292 GG! Detail
23.03.07 827379 gg Detail
11.03.07 1193224 Detail
08.03.07 1852903 Detail
19.02.07 crypt n1 driver =) Detail
13.02.07 142076 Detail
05.02.07 1694460 gg Detail
29.01.07 raptor gg Detail
21.01.07 1433949 Detail
14.01.07 1188690 nice player ;) Detail
06.01.07 1901164 gg, my hardest match ever Detail
Trackmania Nations 1on1 High End Cup #1
created from rating comment match
12.02.07 1694460 gg, close and exciting as usual :) Detail
10.02.07 1193224 GG, very nice match and you\'re goddamn fast :) Detail
08.02.07 raptor Detail
03.02.07 1852903 Very nice driver! Detail
30.01.07 1664367 Detail
26.01.07 1694460 gg Detail
24.01.07 827379 gg Detail
Trackmania Nations 1on1 Weekend Cup 3
created from rating comment match
13.08.06 317446 Detail
12.08.06 frozen very n1 game, I hope we will drive next cup,too Detail
12.08.06 1974195 Detail
12.08.06 1924461 Detail