Maximilian 'mAx' Hartmann  id: 1369383
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 19 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.08.19 13935263 Detail
22.08.19 ScHmItZeR- Detail
21.08.19 iuguy Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
28.05.18 HAYARMO Detail
28.05.18 HAYARMO Detail
28.05.18 12516125 Detail
27.05.18 12469348 Detail
24.05.18 6428768 Detail
23.05.18 12384054 Detail
23.05.18 12384054 Detail
22.05.18 3425607 Detail
22.05.18 3425607 Detail
15.05.18 10802848 Detail
15.05.18 11819766 Detail
09.05.18 12469348 Detail
09.05.18 10802848 Detail
09.05.18 12384054 Detail
09.05.18 12466589 Detail
27.04.18 caccozeeen Detail
25.04.18 12107288 Detail
25.04.18 Mimo Detail
11.04.18 lopster Detail
23.03.18 iencio94 Detail
23.03.18 10738438 Detail
23.03.18 10839166 Detail
22.03.18 12051836 Detail
22.03.18 12290909 Detail
22.03.18 12337740 Detail
22.03.18 5331530 Detail
22.03.18 12051836 Detail
22.03.18 12331163 Detail
22.03.18 k Detail
22.03.18 10738438 Detail
20.03.18 1316625 Detail
03.03.18 shkaf222 Detail
03.03.18 9711610 Detail
03.03.18 10555492 Detail
03.03.18 9711610 Detail
03.03.18 10729929 Detail
02.03.18 12249627 Detail
02.03.18 10729929 Detail
01.03.18 12244167 Detail
01.03.18 9711610 Detail
30.01.18 fdome Detail
29.01.18 1316625 Detail
29.01.18 fdome Detail
29.01.18 10729929 Detail
29.01.18 10729929 Detail
27.01.18 10555492 Detail
27.01.18 AlmostUnbeatable Detail
27.01.18 TheBrowneBuffalo Detail
27.01.18 12051836 Detail
27.01.18 AlmostUnbeatable Detail
26.01.18 12051836 Detail
26.01.18 12043821 Detail
25.01.18 10729929 Detail
24.01.18 p4ddy Detail
22.01.18 10555492 Detail
22.01.18 Pflaumenbaer Detail
22.01.18 Gotch17 Detail
22.01.18 12101211 Detail
19.01.18 11387713 Detail
19.01.18 10715530 Detail
17.01.18 12051836 Detail
17.01.18 Gotch17 Detail
17.01.18 Gotch17 Detail
17.01.18 12076994 Detail
16.01.18 11387713 Detail
12.01.18 TonCar Detail
12.01.18 8771607 Detail
12.01.18 TonCar Detail
12.01.18 Hekki90 real Madrid bug das nervt Detail
12.01.18 MichauL96 Detail
12.01.18 12005694 Detail
12.01.18 Hekki90 Detail
12.01.18 ZeNaash- Detail
12.01.18 ZeNaash- Detail
12.01.18 12005694 Detail
12.01.18 10561867 Detail
11.01.18 10100501 Detail
11.01.18 10071725 Detail
11.01.18 qwe Detail
11.01.18 10100501 Detail
11.01.18 Gotch17 Detail
10.01.18 Mirayku Detail
10.01.18 11920362 Detail
10.01.18 12036878 Detail
10.01.18 10898950 Detail
10.01.18 12036878 Detail
10.01.18 10100501 Detail
09.01.18 9906083 Detail
09.01.18 12036878 Detail
09.01.18 Gotch17 Detail
03.01.18 AngSkill Detail
07.12.17 FreeAgent.brynycho Detail
06.12.17 11387713 Detail
05.12.17 Xe0nZ Detail
05.12.17 11957770 Detail
05.12.17 8752658 Detail
04.12.17 Xe0nZ Detail
04.12.17 10330290 Detail
04.12.17 11951563 Detail
03.12.17 10555492 Detail
02.12.17 11261792 Detail
02.12.17 Adr_Yan Detail
02.12.17 BeatzGr Detail
02.12.17 5339374 Detail
01.12.17 Jobsco Detail
01.12.17 11925443 Detail
01.12.17 11293946 Detail
29.11.17 11905528 Detail
28.11.17 11785740 Detail
28.11.17 10555492 Detail
28.11.17 nc Detail
28.11.17 Xe0nZ Fuck off with your shit luck Detail
28.11.17 11925443 Detail
28.11.17 Xe0nZ Impossible to describe this luck Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Sunday Madness Germany Cup #34
created from rating comment match
27.05.18 Dope Rich Detail
♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Swiss Cup #6 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.03.18 N7_Poiatz Detail
19.03.18 11205340 Detail
19.03.18 12279564 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
06.03.18 12265339 hat ab dem 3:1 nur noch hinten rum gespielt was mir die Chance verweigerte das Spiel noch zu drehen Detail
08.02.18 11946438 Detail
02.01.18 1329046 Detail
01.12.17 11946438 stark gespielt Detail
29.11.17 8489065 Detail
28.11.17 11936871 Detail
♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 100€ FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Swiss Cup #3 Germany
created from rating comment match
18.12.17 krisko GG Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) PlayStation Masters Season 2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.11.17 2328375 Detail
♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Swiss Cup #2 Germany
created from rating comment match
27.11.17 11883580 Detail
27.11.17 2554509 giigii ++ Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
created from rating comment match
09.12.13 tend1k gg Detail
13.01.13 7195486 Detail
09.01.13 7309794 Detail
09.01.13 5661386 Detail
09.01.13 6905406 Detail
29.10.12 tend1k Detail
29.10.12 5534357 Detail
11.08.12 5476433 Detail
11.08.12 4300783 gg Detail
28.05.12 6545402 Detail
29.03.12 tend1k Detail
20.03.12 6582528 Detail
10.03.12 5982981 Detail
09.03.12 6241317 Detail
09.03.12 6594290 Detail
09.03.12 tend1k Detail
08.03.12 6663374 Detail
01.03.12 tend1k Detail
14.01.12 5878815 Detail
31.12.11 5935141 Detail
31.10.11 5987994 Detail
30.09.11 5574298 Detail
30.09.11 Retro Detail
27.09.11 4042090 Detail
23.09.11 Retro Detail
23.09.11 6053694 Detail
23.09.11 5802277 Detail
23.09.11 6078307 Detail
23.09.11 5731574 Detail
10.09.11 zensens finally one guy doing nice at 1on1 Detail
09.09.11 2887539 Detail
05.09.11 5081300 Detail
08.08.11 4597258 Keine Beleidigungen usw. Detail
12.07.11 5992822 Detail
07.06.11 3442098 Detail
07.06.11 5434712 Detail
07.06.11 5745190 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.08.12 2181324 gg!!! Detail
06.03.12 5388567 auf crash hatte er aber bangen :D Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.03.12 5256307 GG++ Detail
31.12.11 robert omg sowas nennt man also skill -.- Detail
06.10.11 twitchTV leyth23 nice selfkills um neu zuspawnen :S Detail
08.09.11 twitchTV leyth23 gg Detail
05.09.11 5256307 GG wie immer :-) nice play Detail
04.09.11 Taaani Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Herbstcup 2011 - M4
created from rating comment match
05.11.11 3697473 Detail
05.11.11 3048463 Detail
05.11.11 HellraiZer Detail
05.11.11 eXample. Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Herbstcup 2011 - Scope
created from rating comment match
03.11.11 3660998 Detail
03.11.11 4258293 Detail
03.11.11 5236180 Detail
03.11.11 5147743 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Herbstcup 2011 - W1200
created from rating comment match
01.11.11 4008407 Detail
01.11.11 HellraiZer Detail
01.11.11 elecTriXxZ Detail
01.11.11 ZeRo Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
created from rating comment match
01.11.11 6223183 nerd Detail
05.09.11 Taaani gg++ Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Herbstcup 2011 - M14
created from rating comment match
30.10.11 4195012 Detail
30.10.11 5546373 Detail
30.10.11 1647804 gg derb verspätet aba ok Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Spontanizzle Cup #11
created from rating comment match
26.07.11 3422213 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Sniper Only 1on1 DM Cup July
created from rating comment match
11.07.11 NiSs4n Detail
11.07.11 murd3r Detail
11.07.11 nieeJ Detail
11.07.11 3559891 Detail
11.07.11 5626633 Detail
11.07.11 5731574 Detail