DanteStyle  id: 1528823
[ Match Ratings ]
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Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #21
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22.11.15 9567187 Detail
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl League North America #1
created from rating comment match
04.07.15 9208123 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #5
created from rating comment match
03.05.15 8598248 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #4
created from rating comment match
26.04.15 6550665 Detail
26.04.15 8869241 Detail
26.04.15 avalon01 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #3
created from rating comment match
19.04.15 8442876 Detail
19.04.15 8000699 Detail
19.04.15 8000699 Detail
19.04.15 7443141 Detail
19.04.15 6922850 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #1
created from rating comment match
05.04.15 8517412 Detail
Tt eSports Winter 2015 Challenge Cup #13
created from rating comment match
29.03.15 8044640 Detail
Tt eSports Winter 2015 Challenge Cup #5
created from rating comment match
01.02.15 8620435 Detail
Tt eSports Winter 2015 Challenge Cup #3
created from rating comment match
18.01.15 8511334 Detail
18.01.15 8820089 Detail
18.01.15 8855073 Detail
18.01.15 6413366 Detail
18.01.15 8158265 Detail
18.01.15 8517458 Detail
Tt eSports Winter 2015 Challenge Cup #2
created from rating comment match
11.01.15 5551543 Detail
11.01.15 8741055 Detail
11.01.15 5363052 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Germany Cup #14
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28.12.14 8749983 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #16
created from rating comment match
21.12.14 5844013 Detail
21.12.14 8810382 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #15
created from rating comment match
14.12.14 Jogö Detail
14.12.14 6082411 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #14
created from rating comment match
07.12.14 8662080 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #13
created from rating comment match
30.11.14 8648540 Detail
30.11.14 8770598 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #12
created from rating comment match
23.11.14 8489536 Detail
23.11.14 1555316 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #8
created from rating comment match
26.10.14 8061480 Detail
26.10.14 5453385 Detail
26.10.14 Seehundi gg wp Detail
FIFA 16 (PS4) Major Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 8663847 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Germany Cup #3
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 8508073 Detail
12.10.14 2892529 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #6
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 8666190 Detail
12.10.14 8270143 Detail
12.10.14 8649202 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #14
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31.08.14 Numanda Detail
31.08.14 8598398 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #12
created from rating comment match
17.08.14 8041169 Detail
17.08.14 8096253 Detail
17.08.14 8531012 Detail
17.08.14 8546185 Detail
17.08.14 8102141 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #10
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03.08.14 6868445 Detail
03.08.14 8439060 Detail
03.08.14 7981846 Detail
03.08.14 8515948 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #9
created from rating comment match
27.07.14 8433959 Detail
27.07.14 4515523 Detail
27.07.14 5343988 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #2
created from rating comment match
08.06.14 8178512 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
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08.04.14 8096253 Detail
08.04.14 6712102 Detail
06.04.14 2391949 Detail
06.04.14 7362631 Detail
05.04.14 4378637 Detail
05.04.14 Muesli Detail
04.04.14 3709265 Detail
04.04.14 8034908 Good Player! Detail
02.04.14 8272576 Detail
01.04.14 8312861 Detail
31.03.14 5919656 Detail
31.03.14 8263265 Detail
27.02.14 7700231 Detail
25.02.14 4519669 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #15: Shaman
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25.03.14 3709265 Detail
25.03.14 1972278 Detail
25.03.14 8283623 Detail
25.03.14 2047108 Detail
25.03.14 5341781 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland 4th Qualifier Cup
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08.03.14 8273343 On time and friendly! Detail
08.03.14 8163656 Detail
08.03.14 6544906 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #18
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23.02.14 8129593 Detail
23.02.14 8137704 Detail
23.02.14 8153009 Detail
23.02.14 4793535 Detail
23.02.14 8245135 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #112 (Sun 12.06.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
12.06.11 5312007 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.06.11 5030145 Detail
18.04.11 1583415 flamer+4gate Detail
17.04.11 4158186 Detail
17.04.11 2539596 Detail
17.04.11 4746226 Detail
17.04.11 5058790 Detail
16.04.11 3738547 Detail
16.04.11 Snemeis Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.05.11 721644 Detail
23.05.11 5232363 Detail
20.05.11 5883258 Detail
16.05.11 4029700 Detail
14.05.11 5328532 Detail
14.05.11 4846094 Detail
13.05.11 721644 Detail
09.05.11 2123539 Detail
08.05.11 2087281 Detail
16.04.11 2355005 Detail
16.04.11 Snemeis Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #105 (Sun 15.05.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
15.05.11 5296905 Detail
15.05.11 5886086 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #103 (Sun 08.05.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
08.05.11 The Situation Detail
08.05.11 5446153 Detail
08.05.11 2771294 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #100 (Sun 24.04.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
24.04.11 5181191 Detail
24.04.11 Keiras Detail
24.04.11 5543000 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #98 (Sun 17.04.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
17.04.11 2398369 Detail
17.04.11 5205363 Detail
17.04.11 5245292 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup #10 (Sat 16.04.11) - Win €100
created from rating comment match
16.04.11 Happy Detail
16.04.11 5260321 Detail
16.04.11 5589697 Detail
16.04.11 5762314 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #200 (Do 14.04.11)
created from rating comment match
14.04.11 5236303 Detail
14.04.11 RadiZ gg Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #199 (Mo 11.04.11)
created from rating comment match
12.04.11 soniCSysteM Detail
11.04.11 3406454 Detail
11.04.11 3190195 Detail
11.04.11 5221246 gg Detail
11.04.11 5221278 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #96 (Sun 10.04.11) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
10.04.11 477053 Detail
10.04.11 2762899 Detail
10.04.11 robiH Detail
10.04.11 5815878 Detail
10.04.11 1956584 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup #9 (Sat 09.04.11) - Win €100
created from rating comment match
09.04.11 2841567 Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Cup #09 (Sat 24.04.10)
created from rating comment match
24.04.10 3797063 Detail
Warcraft 3 1on1 Old TFT Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.01.09 3704351 Detail
02.01.09 776202 Detail
30.12.08 2193666 Detail
30.12.08 1229842 Detail
27.11.08 Italiener Detail
26.11.08 2487064 Detail
Warcraft 3 1on1 TFT Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.12.08 Italiener Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.02.08 2195311 Detail
08.02.08 1144908 Detail
08.02.08 2497502 Detail
08.02.08 2845656 Detail
07.02.08 dN Detail
07.02.08 2554653 Detail
07.02.08 1618977 Detail
05.01.08 Tobijjah quittet... Detail
05.01.08 2935779 only ibra ulow Detail
04.01.08 2238791 Detail
04.01.08 873054 Detail
03.01.08 toB mehl Detail
03.01.08 klaetschmanis luck weiter... Detail
01.01.08 2157012 leave beim stand von 6:2 Detail
01.01.08 2459092 leave bei 5:0 für mich Detail
01.01.08 2101085 Detail
04.12.07 2059712 quittet einfach kurz vor schluß beim stand von 5:2 -.- Detail
03.12.07 48002 lool ... Detail
03.12.07 2409348 QUIT Detail
01.12.07 1523235 leaven is scheisse =( Detail
30.11.07 1300651 gg Detail
29.11.07 2000910 gg ... faires spiel, gute con Detail
29.11.07 948590 Detail
29.11.07 1051704 lucky.... Detail
18.11.07 629574 Detail
18.11.07 2222467 Detail
13.11.07 1037263 Gegner is einfach beim 5:0 geleaved Detail
13.11.07 2431131 Detail
12.11.07 2040000 macht mir das 3-3 durch so übelste lagg man was war das den?! Detail
10.11.07 1279671 barca! Detail
10.11.07 1051246 Detail
10.11.07 932911 Detail
09.11.07 2355236 Detail
09.11.07 perF gg Detail
09.11.07 490216 Detail
09.11.07 1645613 Detail
09.11.07 516275 gg, lehrstunde vom feinsten Detail
09.11.07 1556106 Detail
09.11.07 Rahab Detail
09.11.07 839692 Detail
09.11.07 600826 gg Detail
09.11.07 MightyMoe Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.12.07 toB Detail
03.12.07 2233030 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.03.07 2053526 Detail
14.02.07 786883 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.03.07 2200882 Detail
20.02.07 1217481 netter typ. verdient. So schlecht wie ich war hätte ich verlieren müssen Detail
10.12.06 927778 Detail
LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1on1 Random Cup
created from rating comment match
12.05.06 eBoLa Detail
12.05.06 669113 gg Detail
LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 2 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.04.06 1781617 Guter Spieler Detail
30.04.06 Julz gg Detail
29.04.06 1714816 Detail
29.04.06 1485606 Detail
27.04.06 1089427 Detail
27.04.06 676556 Detail
27.04.06 669113 gg Detail
27.04.06 1299106 Detail
27.04.06 QUAKERxnc akzeptabel Detail