Marco 'B@ggi0' Oriani  id: 1609290
[ Match Ratings ]
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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.03.11 1866597 Detail
04.03.11 umberto Detail
18.02.11 Zava gg Detail
11.02.11 3467581 Detail
24.01.11 umberto Detail
17.01.11 Zava Detail
17.01.11 2987299 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.03.11 Zava Detail
15.02.11 3768992 Detail
08.02.11 3909146 Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
created from rating comment match
05.02.11 2452110 gg Detail
04.02.11 5143607 Detail
04.01.11 4872562 Detail
16.08.10 oXion Detail
20.07.10 4936430 gg Detail
04.07.10 Magneton Detail
04.07.10 johNNy Detail
04.07.10 4125045 Detail
03.06.10 aeQuitas Detail
10.05.10 1029186 Detail
06.05.10 4125045 Detail
25.03.10 leon Detail
25.03.10 3715988 Detail
24.03.10 3206232 GG WP :D Detail
11.03.10 3412598 gg Detail
26.01.09 mAx Detail
05.01.09 2435478 nice player Detail
01.01.09 vkpush4 gg Detail
31.12.08 3249897 GG, wp Detail
11.12.08 3294678 Detail
08.12.08 2441346 Detail
08.12.08 876873 gg Detail
07.12.08 g0d Detail
03.12.08 2831627 Detail
30.11.08 900324 Nice Player Detail
27.11.08 3097534 gg, very intense Detail
27.11.08 3472896 Detail
25.11.08 2574717 Detail
04.11.08 1031951 gg Detail
01.11.08 TonyMahony GG Detail
23.10.08 MrBanano bad server Detail
22.10.08 BounTy Detail
15.10.08 2094566 hardest match ever :D Detail
26.09.08 3075240 Detail
24.08.08 677611 Detail
16.07.08 mAx lame, first flame \"luck, after leaving server b4 war was finished, last he faked result ! avoid p Detail
15.07.08 2441346 gg Detail
15.07.08 3090360 best player ever :) Detail
04.07.08 BounTy Detail
04.07.08 2023499 Detail
04.07.08 1633742 Detail
01.07.08 1998910 Detail
27.06.08 2570447 Realy Nice Player Detail
23.06.08 2543901 low camper lamer low Detail
23.06.08 1305975 gg Detail
15.06.08 1633742 Detail
10.06.08 2919977 gg guy ^^ Detail
03.06.08 1577746 gg Detail
26.05.08 1597174 Detail
09.05.08 2477585 Detail
29.04.08 1864570 Detail
29.04.08 2718913 Detail
29.04.08 zOMG gg Detail
24.04.08 2966321 Detail
19.04.08 3019271 ttnet thinks italy is far away than uk to turkey Detail
11.04.08 840266 gg Detail
09.04.08 1031305 Detail
09.04.08 1998910 GG Detail
30.03.08 1597174 Detail
25.03.08 2356952 Detail
17.03.08 Ivan Valera Detail
10.03.08 1165475 gg Detail
05.03.08 axl gg nice player Detail
03.03.08 2831627 Detail
03.03.08 2977788 Detail
03.03.08 1864570 gg nice opponent Detail
29.02.08 b2k1 gg Detail
28.02.08 2956158 Detail
27.02.08 2066529 Detail
27.02.08 2732245 gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
29.07.10 2863050 Detail
08.06.10 4599116 Detail
04.06.10 5102876 Detail
20.05.10 2489443 gg Detail
19.02.10 2987299 Detail
02.03.09 2707389 Detail
29.12.08 Guybrush Bravo.. :) Detail
28.12.08 3678344 Detail
24.12.08 3389749 uh... Detail
24.05.08 2887359 Detail
09.05.08 2759675 gg Detail
01.05.08 2928675 Detail
22.02.08 2958133 Detail
21.02.08 2953684 molto bravo Detail
13.02.08 2905842 Detail
28.01.08 1626102 Detail
Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.06.10 3604257 Detail
10.05.10 4784294 Detail
21.04.10 simzoor bg, pointhunter, avoid Detail
08.03.10 2461011 Detail
01.03.10 3572013 Detail
10.02.10 2461011 noob Detail
09.01.10 1768536 Detail
28.12.09 4423477 good game Detail
20.11.09 3604257 Detail
18.11.09 4435785 Detail
12.11.09 4092287 - Detail
27.10.09 very good gamer i like you Detail
09.07.09 simzoor buy .de server Detail
29.06.09 1105533 Detail
29.01.09 3755335 gg Detail
23.12.08 1467171 gg Detail
16.11.08 876861 Detail
13.11.08 2420841 Detail
10.11.08 good player realy nice Detail
28.10.08 3295471 Detail
27.09.08 2659517 Detail
14.06.08 2660856 Detail
07.06.08 2167600 Detail
21.05.08 raphy Detail
18.04.08 2650362 Detail
18.04.08 1601950 Detail
13.04.08 2982063 Detail
24.10.07 miami Detail
18.10.07 2721495 Detail
18.10.07 Ghostiii lame Detail
15.10.07 2618783 To much luck -.-* Detail
15.10.07 1351371 tj very lucky;) Detail
14.10.07 729491 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
14.09.09 3259070 Detail
13.09.09 1895049 gg Detail
27.08.09 2854487 Detail
27.07.09 3361473 Detail
22.07.09 3098239 Detail
Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.03.09 Fle3 Detail
26.08.08 3212040 Detail
15.06.08 3124912 Detail
26.05.08 2250618 Detail
22.01.08 2173475 Detail
18.12.07 2439877 Molto corretto Detail
26.11.07 2358821 Detail
01.11.07 1883456 Detail
30.10.07 revo-san GG <3 Detail
11.10.07 1646786 Detail
26.09.07 2475470 Detail
19.09.07 2277848 Detail
14.09.07 qaentin Detail
09.09.07 1982754 Detail
09.09.07 1646786 GG. Ma a mio parere la baguette le brucia un po troppo. Detail
08.09.07 1987470 Bella la medaglietta :P ora mi paghi una pizza à_à NICE PLAYER Detail
06.09.07 2676306 Detail
29.08.07 caccozeeen Detail
29.08.07 caccozeeen Detail
29.08.07 qaentin baggio è baggio Detail
29.08.07 2148694 gg ottimo player xD Detail
26.08.07 2376045 bella Detail
03.08.07 2443160 Detail
27.07.07 2239874 Detail
27.07.07 2358192 Detail
26.07.07 2475470 Detail
22.07.07 2529342 Detail
22.07.07 Nap Detail
18.07.07 2148319 Bravo Baggio... molto sportivo e simpatico Detail
08.07.07 Fle3 gg Detail
01.07.07 2245701 Detail
28.06.07 2535620 Detail
26.06.07 2550687 sei bravo Detail
24.06.07 2277566 giocatore corretto Detail
22.06.07 1637235 Detail
21.06.07 2336865 Detail
21.06.07 1547968 Non me la aspettavo :) Detail
19.06.07 dlcz Detail
18.06.07 1751034 Detail
17.06.07 2002951 Detail
17.06.07 2171594 GG Baggio! Detail
12.06.07 rvrndz- Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 MVP Cup 2008
created from rating comment match
28.12.08 zix Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 AfternoonCup IX
created from rating comment match
23.12.08 Ridk Detail
21.12.08 2951619 Detail
19.12.08 bLACKTIME Detail
17.12.08 3230136 Ottimo e gentile player ^^ Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Afternoon Cup VI
created from rating comment match
31.07.08 3049488 Detail
30.07.08 2928675 Detail
25.07.08 MMY Detail
21.07.08 Sonic Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 AfternoonCup V
created from rating comment match
03.07.08 1305975 gg Detail
30.06.08 bLACKTIME Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Nightcup 9
created from rating comment match
30.06.08 1864570 gg Detail
30.06.08 2685042 gg Detail
30.06.08 1863502 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 AfternoonCup IV
created from rating comment match
12.06.08 1519604 Detail
09.06.08 cjsimo bravissimo Detail
06.06.08 2936124 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 AfternoonCup II
created from rating comment match
09.04.08 2603737 Bravo Detail
04.04.08 2223219 arigrazie :P Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 AfternoonCup I
created from rating comment match
14.03.08 only star Detail
13.03.08 2223219 Detail
Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.08.07 2148694 gg ottimo player xD Detail
22.07.07 Nap simpatico :P Detail
20.06.07 1975500 Detail