Qu4r3sM4  id: 1643126
[ Match Ratings ]
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Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.10.18 3844021 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.11.16 9876019 Detail
12.10.16 5231989 Detail
12.10.16 1068844 Detail
11.10.16 10521216 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.11.16 10653882 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
18.10.13 5495935 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Outono Series FIFA 2013
created from rating comment match
01.11.12 3262939 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Autumn League 2012
created from rating comment match
22.10.12 7211045 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
15.10.12 1348412 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.10.12 7152802 Detail
02.10.12 4181440 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Primavera Series 2012
created from rating comment match
29.04.12 5979860 Detail
27.04.12 5979860 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Portugal Big Challenge
created from rating comment match
25.04.12 6513549 Detail
23.03.12 2389314 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Night Cup #10
created from rating comment match
09.03.12 2768538 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
06.03.12 2768538 Detail
27.02.12 1675889 Detail
27.02.12 Faniko Detail
22.02.12 4954960 Detail
07.02.12 1580178 Detail
24.01.12 1580178 Detail
24.01.12 4954960 Detail
23.01.12 6255223 Detail
23.01.12 1580178 Detail
20.01.12 6513549 Detail
20.01.12 3741402 Detail
19.01.12 6442790 Detail
19.01.12 6326172 Detail
19.01.12 3993514 Detail
19.01.12 1580178 Detail
13.01.12 BilhaPT Detail
13.01.12 1580178 Detail
12.01.12 5269460 Detail
12.01.12 1348412 Detail
05.01.12 4181440 Detail
05.01.12 1580178 Detail
25.12.11 6318705 Detail
23.12.11 6158525 Detail
22.12.11 4181440 Detail
15.12.11 4181440 Detail
15.12.11 2121370 gg Detail
15.12.11 3741402 Detail
15.12.11 5352934 Detail
15.12.11 1580178 Detail
14.12.11 6318705 Detail
07.12.11 6318705 Detail
01.12.11 iruleds Detail
01.12.11 4181440 Detail
27.11.11 4181440 Detail
25.11.11 4181440 Detail
24.11.11 6158459 Detail
23.11.11 5352934 Detail
23.11.11 1580178 Detail
14.11.11 4752307 Detail
14.11.11 5352934 Detail
12.11.11 782166 Detail
10.11.11 6158459 Detail
09.11.11 6314145 Detail
08.11.11 1580178 Detail
31.10.11 4181440 Detail
31.10.11 4490884 Detail
30.10.11 6312893 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Winter League - Final Stage
created from rating comment match
02.03.12 2186393 Detail
27.02.12 5500209 lagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Campeonato Europa #7 - Dinamarca
created from rating comment match
26.02.12 5141932 Detail
19.02.12 4181440 Detail
15.02.12 5355996 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.02.12 3372514 Detail
23.02.12 6015144 Alles perfekt Detail
23.02.12 6016846 Detail
15.02.12 RED Detail
15.02.12 Nakedchef Detail
08.02.12 5594982 Detail
28.01.12 2350088 Detail
24.01.12 6129064 Detail
24.01.12 5848997 Detail
24.01.12 6483881 Detail
24.01.12 4670095 Detail
24.01.12 2117697 Detail
23.01.12 6519768 Detail
23.01.12 6138567 Detail
23.01.12 3204909 Detail
23.01.12 1580178 Detail
20.01.12 6513549 Detail
20.01.12 2786209 Detail
12.01.12 5351155 Detail
06.01.12 1580178 Detail
04.01.12 6306594 Detail
07.12.11 4389266 Detail
06.12.11 6250772 Detail
06.12.11 3730389 Detail
03.12.11 5469975 Detail
03.12.11 6350610 Detail
01.12.11 4181440 Detail
25.11.11 6056090 Detail
23.11.11 3841890 Detail
18.11.11 2198075 Detail
18.11.11 6357829 Detail
17.11.11 4389266 Detail
16.11.11 athis Detail
16.11.11 BilhaPT Detail
14.11.11 Ron Detail
14.11.11 1990356 wenn du denkst der porsche ist geliehen, da liegst du schief wie die zähne von franck ribery Detail
10.11.11 3893926 Detail
09.11.11 3011247 Detail
09.11.11 2939649 Detail
09.11.11 2350088 Detail
09.11.11 Jcena Detail
09.11.11 VanPavora Detail
07.11.11 Baszczyk Detail
07.11.11 RadiuM Detail
07.11.11 6158459 Detail
02.11.11 1217158 Detail
31.10.11 1696100 Detail
30.10.11 BilhaPT Detail
30.10.11 6249680 Detail
29.10.11 1558272 Detail
26.10.11 984142 Detail
26.10.11 4181440 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Inverno Series 2012 - Fase Final
created from rating comment match
19.02.12 4181440 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Campeonato Europa #8 - Inglaterra
created from rating comment match
13.02.12 992547 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Night Cup #3
created from rating comment match
25.01.12 5428988 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #8 - Selecções
created from rating comment match
19.01.12 Detail
19.01.12 5352934 Detail
17.01.12 6477974 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Inverno Series 2012
created from rating comment match
18.01.12 iruleds Detail
09.01.12 4752307 Detail
09.01.12 4752307 Detail
06.01.12 6326172 Detail
06.01.12 6326172 Detail
04.01.12 6426869 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #7 - Liga Holandesa
created from rating comment match
13.01.12 1580178 Detail
11.01.12 6466435 Detail
11.01.12 5355996 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Winter League
created from rating comment match
12.01.12 5555828 Detail
12.01.12 6323358 Detail
10.01.12 1476796 gg Detail
06.01.12 1756008 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Dia de Reis Night Cup
created from rating comment match
06.01.12 4181440 Detail
06.01.12 3785461 Detail
06.01.12 5352934 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #6 - Liga Francesa
created from rating comment match
22.12.11 4181440 Detail
22.12.11 1348412 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Campeonato Europa #3 - França
created from rating comment match
11.12.11 iruleds Detail
11.12.11 6158459 Detail
11.12.11 5355996 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #5 - Liga Alemã
created from rating comment match
11.12.11 benyy Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #3 - Liga Espanhola
created from rating comment match
08.12.11 6158459 Detail
05.12.11 4181440 Detail
03.12.11 1710202 gg Detail
01.12.11 1348412 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #4 - Liga Italiana
created from rating comment match
04.12.11 BilhaPT Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #2 - Liga Inglesa
created from rating comment match
18.11.11 4490884 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Be a Pro Challenge #1 - Liga Portuguesa
created from rating comment match
13.11.11 1710202 gg Detail
10.11.11 4752307 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Night Cup Series 1 - Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.11.11 4107985 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Hallowen Cup Powered by BUYKEY
created from rating comment match
31.10.11 1710202 gg Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Halloween Cup
created from rating comment match
31.10.11 Kesariska Detail
Combat Arms Sniper 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.07.11 h y p e R R Detail
09.07.11 5841705 Detail
Combat Arms One Man Army 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.07.11 4975446 Detail
26.01.11 4361883 Detail
26.01.11 4081699 Detail
25.01.11 4429554 Detail
23.01.11 5612210 Detail
Combat Arms Search & Destroy 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
02.03.11 4429554 Detail
Football Manager 2011 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.02.11 1658127 Detail
02.01.11 3517680 Detail
25.12.10 4673190 Detail
25.12.10 1338949 lololo Detail
22.12.10 5190868 Detail
11.12.10 2319495 Detail
13.11.10 1514960 Detail
09.11.10 2389314 Detail
09.11.10 Konde Detail
08.11.10 3780246 Detail
08.11.10 2296237 Detail
Football Manager 2011 1on1 Winter Cup
created from rating comment match
29.12.10 1486167 Detail
29.12.10 1486167 Detail
Football Manager 2011 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.12.10 3673160 Detail
05.12.10 4644552 Detail
21.11.10 3311816 Detail
13.11.10 Bosselito Detail
11.11.10 Burstlegacy Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Outono Series Playoffs
created from rating comment match
04.12.10 1001050 Detail
03.12.10 Shevjke Detail
26.11.10 1580178 Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.12.10 992547 Detail
Football Manager 2011 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
02.12.10 3061341 Detail
30.11.10 2944428 Detail
Football Manager 2011 1on1 Opening Cup FM 2011
created from rating comment match
16.11.10 3780246 Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.11.10 emka Detail
13.11.10 5056251 Detail
13.11.10 4765581 Detail
10.11.10 3549208 Detail
10.11.10 Baszczyk Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Outono Series FIFA 2011
created from rating comment match
11.11.10 1008122 Detail
11.11.10 1008122 Detail