Balázs 'bobibubi' Rémi  id: 1690891
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FIFA 19 (PS4) 1v1 HUNESZ FUT Cup Qualifier #2 Hungary
created from rating comment match
11.11.18 12174303 Detail
11.11.18 11888821 Jó meccs volt! Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1v1 HUNESZ FUT Cup Qualifier #1 Hungary
created from rating comment match
04.11.18 12050990 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
03.12.16 Raabi2711 Detail
02.12.16 6484991 Detail
02.12.16 Playz Detail
01.12.16 10677883 Detail
01.12.16 10497592 Detail
30.11.16 K P O T Detail
30.11.16 9030465 Detail
27.11.16 7588670 Detail
27.11.16 10083862 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Hungary
created from rating comment match
01.12.16 9884888 Detail
27.11.16 7200733 Detail
26.11.16 9816821 Detail
26.11.16 9884888 Detail
25.11.16 10595367 Detail
22.11.16 10632711 Detail
21.11.16 koboldozat Detail
14.11.16 7129489 Detail
14.11.16 9619795 Detail
13.11.16 riko_ Detail
13.11.16 10616297 Detail
12.11.16 7975167 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #9
created from rating comment match
27.11.16 9681526 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #3 Hungary
created from rating comment match
06.11.16 TuRo_Sch Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #22 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
28.02.16 9917293 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #19 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
07.02.16 8171527 Detail
07.02.16 Ra40K80 Detail
FIFA16 (PC) 1on1 Winter League Playoff 2016 Hungary
created from rating comment match
31.01.16 6484991 Detail
31.01.16 9043073 Detail
FIFA16 (PC) 1on1 Winter League 2016 Hungary
created from rating comment match
25.01.16 9619795 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #17 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
24.01.16 9720752 Detail
24.01.16 7827965 Detail
24.01.16 6205959 Detail
24.01.16 stsh.gaming'Stoerte Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Advent Cup Series #Final Hungary
created from rating comment match
20.12.15 7852049 Detail
20.12.15 7030098 Detail
20.12.15 BatmanTek Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Advent Cup Series #4 Hungary
created from rating comment match
16.12.15 7852049 Detail
16.12.15 9627027 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #11 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
13.12.15 ReDw1nG Detail
13.12.15 9200237 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Advent Cup Series #2 Hungary
created from rating comment match
09.12.15 ReDw1nG Detail
09.12.15 BatmanTek Detail
09.12.15 9619795 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Advent Cup Series #1 Hungary
created from rating comment match
06.12.15 7030098 Detail
06.12.15 7997396 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
04.12.15 Rionap Detail
03.12.15 daviliyO Detail
03.12.15 Rionap Detail
03.12.15 sezer03 Detail
02.12.15 98568 Detail
02.12.15 br0 Detail
02.12.15 SL Disrespectful player. Let every replay on every goal. Detail
02.12.15 Jo Detail
01.12.15 9595100 Detail
01.12.15 9602050 Detail
01.12.15 ruuk Detail
01.12.15 P a p e k Detail
25.11.15 Dom Sebastiao Detail
23.11.15 Jo Detail
23.11.15 2893464 Detail
19.11.15 9538361 Detail
19.11.15 5472754 Detail
19.11.15 Jepcar Detail
19.11.15 7958255 Detail
09.11.15 Raabi2711 Detail
09.11.15 7639732 Detail
09.11.15 sezer03 Detail
08.11.15 Goro Detail
07.11.15 Miecu Detail
07.11.15 SEBC10 Detail
07.11.15 4232021 Detail
07.11.15 8148789 Detail
07.11.15 Rionap The worst you can find on esl: Lagger and Lucky Detail
28.10.15 Raabi2711 Detail
28.10.15 8260250 Detail
28.10.15 iwnkl Detail
27.10.15 5556384 Detail
11.10.15 KzRR_ Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #9 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
29.11.15 JohnnyGrime Detail
29.11.15 Qunio Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #2 Hungary
created from rating comment match
27.10.15 daviliyO Detail
27.10.15 1558272 Detail
27.10.15 2628627 Detail
27.10.15 Brokkoli Detail
27.10.15 7210176 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Open Cup
created from rating comment match
20.10.14 7765671 Detail
20.10.14 6770970 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.11.13 4721875 Detail
07.11.13 6510924 Detail
06.11.13 Memez Detail
06.11.13 rYan-de Detail
05.11.13 4721875 Detail
05.11.13 andreyka1715 Detail
05.11.13 8023996 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.11.13 7359012 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #5 - 03/11/13
created from rating comment match
03.11.13 8023686 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Halloween Cup
created from rating comment match
31.10.13 6299396 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #1 - 06/10/13
created from rating comment match
06.10.13 7310045 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
03.10.13 RolanD Detail
03.10.13 2017661 Detail
03.10.13 7970303 Detail
03.10.13 3831112 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Bluechip Kupa Széria - 2. Selejtező
created from rating comment match
20.02.13 736711 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Bluechip Kupa Széria - 1. Selejtező -
created from rating comment match
13.02.13 RolanD Detail
13.02.13 7036605 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Válogatott Selejtező Rájátszás
created from rating comment match
03.02.13 7219614 Detail
30.01.13 Csabcsi Detail
29.01.13 6097332 Detail
29.01.13 7203055 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 PC Guru Kupa Széria #1 - 4. selejtező
created from rating comment match
30.01.13 3316489 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.01.13 7359012 Detail
28.01.13 2017661 Detail
27.01.13 PEZZY Detail
27.01.13 1708350 Detail
27.01.13 RolanD Detail
27.01.13 7433267 Detail
27.01.13 5769258 Detail
27.01.13 4680564 Detail
27.01.13 7210605 Detail
27.01.13 R9BNNN_____-hai Detail
27.01.13 7210233 Detail
27.01.13 6097332 Detail
27.01.13 6919311 Detail
26.01.13 7474512 Detail
26.01.13 7211239 Detail
26.01.13 7375948 Detail
26.01.13 FUTUREEE Detail
26.01.13 7189695 Detail
26.01.13 7470906 Detail
25.01.13 7470906 Detail
25.01.13 7474512 Detail
25.01.13 2017661 Detail
24.01.13 7472935 Detail
16.01.13 oBi Detail
16.01.13 7209269 Detail
16.01.13 6519768 Detail
15.01.13 7219614 Detail
15.01.13 FUTUREEE Detail
14.01.13 7223117 Detail
09.01.13 7211239 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Válogatott selejtező #4
created from rating comment match
28.01.13 6919311 Detail
28.01.13 Csabcsi Detail
27.01.13 7283684 Detail
27.01.13 7256890 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 PC Guru Kupa Széria #1 - 1. selejtező
created from rating comment match
09.01.13 2017661 Detail
09.01.13 3128281 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 EMS Winter Season '12 Hungarian Qualifier
created from rating comment match
09.10.12 Detail
09.10.12 6909898 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.07.12 6097332 Detail
02.07.12 5769258 Detail
02.07.12 6942763 Detail
07.06.12 6929308 Detail
04.06.12 3831112 Detail
19.05.12 5769258 Detail
11.05.12 1558272 Detail
10.05.12 Csabcsi Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Spring Cup
created from rating comment match
30.05.12 ezioo Detail
30.05.12 6417653 Detail
30.05.12 6900759 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.05.12 2318552 Detail
25.05.12 4671558 Detail
24.05.12 984142 Detail
15.05.12 carat Detail
15.05.12 4711106 Detail
15.05.12 4711106 pure luck, nothing else Detail
14.05.12 5472750 Detail
14.05.12 5652874 Detail
13.05.12 Stager Detail
13.05.12 Ultras Detail
12.05.12 araghorn4Sophia Detail
11.05.12 Liviu Detail
11.05.12 1558272 Detail
11.05.12 araghorn4Sophia Detail
10.05.12 1842355 Detail
10.05.12 753576 Detail
10.05.12 5479503 Detail
10.05.12 Jepcar Detail
03.05.12 3631022 Detail
03.05.12 Someone Detail
02.05.12 3811157 Detail
01.05.12 Stager Detail
30.04.12 3532110 Detail
28.04.12 bejott Detail
27.04.12 5539651 gg Detail
27.04.12 984142 Detail
27.04.12 Ultras Detail
09.04.12 4711106 Detail
07.04.12 6468944 Detail
29.03.12 6060652 Detail
28.03.12 6438023 Detail
27.03.12 4384347 Detail
27.03.12 Vasi Detail
26.03.12 3165286 Detail
26.03.12 tRn Detail
25.03.12 5343168 Detail
25.03.12 4520369 Detail