Enrico 'JESTERRR' Vanoni  id: 1997654
[ Match Ratings ]
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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Sniper
created from rating comment match
03.09.09 2456260 GG ;) Detail
01.09.09 Halakir Detail
31.08.09 3230136 Detail
28.08.09 EMpega Detail
28.08.09 Skull Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Summer Cup '09
created from rating comment match
05.08.09 2602536 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
30.07.09 3971486 gg Detail
21.07.09 AssAssIno Detail
11.06.09 Ceck-Reset Detail
30.05.09 Peeveswozere Detail
20.05.09 4097179 Detail
16.05.09 4003188 Detail
26.04.09 3467581 gg ottimo player Detail
18.04.09 3814019 Detail
13.03.09 Synthesis Molto corretto e bravo Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault M16A4
created from rating comment match
29.06.09 Raikirih Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Season Tournament II
created from rating comment match
15.06.09 umberto Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.06.09 Moai Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
09.08.08 2339503 Detail
09.08.08 2588276 one of the best gamer :) ;) Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.06.08 2765568 gg good opponent Detail
30.05.08 2704024 n1 aiming and nading Detail
30.05.08 2584355 Detail
15.05.08 2704024 Detail
12.05.08 2094458 Detail
12.02.08 2765568 gg Detail
09.02.08 2104536 Detail
08.02.08 2856970 curious Detail
04.02.08 2892191 lol Detail
09.09.07 2094458 Detail
09.09.07 2692439 Detail
29.08.07 2636106 Detail
29.07.07 2120566 gg Detail
23.07.07 2017057 Detail
22.07.07 j0rK4y Detail
12.07.07 2094458 kinda big lag Detail
24.06.07 2345819 Molto Puntuale Detail
11.06.07 2083514 Detail
11.06.07 1780516 gg much lags on server Detail
07.06.07 j0rK4y Detail
05.06.07 2089637 Detail
20.05.07 2491303 war n faires spiel.. Detail
18.05.07 2086622 fair and nice! gg Detail
15.05.07 1780516 gg Detail
30.04.07 2404724 Detail
03.04.07 MrBanano camper -.- Detail
07.03.07 2126796 Detail
22.02.07 2171341 fuck he played good, omg! Detail
22.02.07 2062344 Detail
18.02.07 1891042 Detail
12.02.07 596146 Detail
04.02.07 2062278 Detail
22.12.06 ForlornSailor gg m8 =) Detail
22.12.06 2186012 Detail
20.12.06 1897075 Detail
09.12.06 2171341 Detail
07.12.06 b3N gg Detail
27.11.06 askeR very nice player;) u must fix ur connection^^ Detail
24.11.06 1949611 Detail
19.11.06 703391 very good match Detail
13.11.06 1990753 Detail
21.10.06 703391 good Detail
15.10.06 2041382 Detail
14.10.06 askeR nice oppenent! Detail
09.10.06 1412030 Detail
05.10.06 2007342 Detail
01.10.06 AkE gutes spiel! Detail
27.09.06 1988489 Detail
26.09.06 69852 very friendly Detail
26.09.06 2021612 Well you was better im lame:(. Detail
19.09.06 1252589 Detail
17.09.06 1949611 Detail
13.09.06 1981163 GG, and good man. It was fun. Detail
12.09.06 639156 very funny guy!! :D Detail
02.09.06 1562803 gg Detail
01.09.06 1544602 GG ;) Detail
01.09.06 2004416 gg! very good player Detail
01.09.06 2007342 Detail
30.08.06 1991511 Detail
30.08.06 1990753 Detail
30.08.06 FLASH- GG Detail
28.08.06 1981163 Detail
28.08.06 1995292 Detail
27.08.06 ForlornSailor nice match, skilled player : ) Detail
26.08.06 1949611 grande! Detail
F.E.A.R. Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.07.07 2594225 Detail
21.07.07 2503268 Detail
19.07.07 2598678 gg Detail
13.06.07 2255237 good player Detail
13.11.06 1563674 gg Detail
17.09.06 1325404 gg. aber aufgrund der ping schwer zu spielen. Detail
17.09.06 2005717 Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Fast Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.02.07 2069402 nice game! very nice opponent! :-) Detail
18.02.07 384856 Detail
07.02.07 596146 Detail
06.02.07 596146 Detail
26.01.07 596146 Detail
06.01.07 596146 Detail
06.01.07 2171341 Detail
03.01.07 1968464 Detail
03.01.07 ForlornSailor gg m8, gratz :D nice match Detail
29.12.06 AkE gg! rematch soon, damn last second i made it, bad luck for you but GG ! Detail
29.12.06 596146 Detail
28.12.06 2005717 Detail
28.12.06 2171341 Detail
27.12.06 596146 Detail
23.12.06 1934798 hehe... good. Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Fast Winter Cup 06/07
created from rating comment match
23.01.07 549017 gg Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.11.06 2126651 tropoo forte asd Detail
06.10.06 2062344 Detail
04.10.06 2057305 FENOMENO!! Detail
01.10.06 2057996 Detail
28.09.06 2044739 è darkiller ke altro volete sapere!!! Detail
28.09.06 2007342 Detail
24.09.06 1999181 Detail
23.09.06 1078106 Detail
23.09.06 1672775 bravo dark, ti auguro di esser 1°! Detail
23.09.06 Bingo gg alla prox Detail
21.09.06 PumaTBS Detail
16.09.06 1949611 Detail
15.09.06 2012859 gg alla grande, veloce e coordinato Detail
13.09.06 2026030 Detail
10.09.06 2025676 Detail
06.09.06 1997662 Detail
06.09.06 846013 Detail
02.09.06 2007507 bravo e simpatico; non ti stavi fermo un attimo....è bello perdere così, almeno ti diverti Detail
01.09.06 788228 Detail
01.09.06 2014000 Detail
31.08.06 2012859 Detail
30.08.06 1217441 Detail
28.08.06 2005602 Detail
27.08.06 755483 Detail
27.08.06 1999143 Detail
26.08.06 2000790 Detail
26.08.06 1077142 gg bel match ;) Detail
26.08.06 844133 gg ancora :D Detail
25.08.06 750276 Detail
25.08.06 Kram sto rosikandoooooo asd Detail
24.08.06 PumaTBS ^^ sei spiderman Detail
F.E.A.R. Combat Deathmatch 1on1 Logitech Autumn06 Cup
created from rating comment match
26.10.06 Slakers Detail
18.10.06 1604654 nice match Detail
08.10.06 Kram Detail